Saturday, 18 May 2013

Blogger Picture

Ive just updated my Blogger picture. Hope everyone likes it.
It is of George and Glenda they are Leopard Geckos. I bought George from out of a house that as my partner said you wiped your feet on the way out!! You could feel things under the carpet as you walked it was horrid, beer cans everywhere, it was just ewww!! George's vivarium was the cleanest place in the house!! I was like yep i will take him as i just had to get him out of there no matter what!!!  Glenda on the other hand was from a lad who hadn't been able to get the trio breeding and I just bought her as a companion for George and they are soo sweet together!! I think it's love!! They have had a few eggs but as I haven't got an incubator they have never hatched. Glenda is more outgoing than George as she loves coming out where George is quite happy to stay in his viv. They love nothing more than hoppers, mealworms, salad, water squirted above them (this helps keep the humidity to the right temp and helps them with their shedding too). I do love my Geckos!!!

Fast and Furious 6

We went to see Fast and Furious 6 which came out yesterday at the cinema. The cinema that we chose was one of the best ones I've been to as you are all at different levels so you don't get the head/hair in front of you so you can actually see the whole of the film without interruption which was great!!  I would definitely go to that cinema again!!
Well Fast and Furious 6 was really good but in some places a bit predictable but did have some good twists in it and things you would expect. I wont go into too much detail with it just coming out and spoiling it for others. Some of the cars used were totally amazing and are making me want a fast car again!!! Oops Don't get me wrong my car isn't that slow but it would be nice to have a higher performance one than what i have currently got but insurance and petrol are a pain with the prices forever going up. I will just have to save loads.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

What a glorious weekend

The weather has been fabulous for a change this Bank Holiday weekend. We've been able to actually go in the garden and have a big sort out. We've had a great time together as a family. Even Dandelion the rabbit and Logan the guinea-pig have been out in their run on the grass!
I finally put Oreo the baby rabbit and his two guinea-pig girlfriends Mustard and Muffin into there cage outside after spending the winter inside! Oreo is absolutely enjoying being outside and sniffing all the new smells. We just made sure they had plenty of hay and kept them covered so they can acclimatise properly. Logan and Dandelion have come out of the girls playhouse too. So all the bunnies and piggies are out in the sun well were until it decided to rain today!! Oh well at least we managed to get most of the things done we wanted to.