Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Strange Weather

Well what funny weather we have had this weekend!!

Where I live alot of people have been stranded and stuck due to the snow. Which was in turn made worse by the wind which turned the snow into drifts which made it really dangerous to travel in over the whole of the weekend. Some drifts were reported as over 5ft high which looked really nice but made even the main roads single lane. I cant remember the snow being like that.  I do love snow just not the havoc it causes you wouldn't think something so innocent looking and soft could cause so much damage and bring the whole of the country to a stand still!!! 

At least my guinea pig will be glad he is still in the kids playhouse where it is alot warmer than being just outside unlike my poor bunnies but they are covered and fed lots to keep them all nice and warm.
Well except Oreo who I bought in October time as a tiny baby so was too small to go out so is still inside with his two guinea pig girlfriends.

The cats have been in most of this snowy weather too as I don't really like them being out when its this sort of weather just in case they get a bit lost and its too cold for them (over protective Mummy).

My partner went out with the girls and the dog to see his parents on Sunday in all the snow but to make sure she didn't get too cold she wore my hoody!! Think I need to buy her a new coat as the ones we got her were from when she was a puppy and the cold was too much for her. I think she would need xlarge or even bigger!! I will have to get one like my other dog which is fleece lined and waterproof with a Union Jack on the back and her name in the middle of the flag.

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